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In order to revive carpet weaving, as the oldest artistic craft of Ukraine, which develops only in the historical centers of carpet weaving of the country, the All-Ukrainian center of embroidery and carpet weaving was created. Traditions of plant carpet weaving and technology of white-on-white embroidery in Reshetylivka, Poltava region are included in the National list of elements of intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine. Thanks to this artistic craft, Poltava region has received a worthy recognition of its authentic crafts and has long been a hallmark of the region. The All-Ukrainian Center for Embroidery and Carpet Making promotes the implementation of state policy in the field of culture and provides an appropriate level for the revival and preservation of carpet weaving traditions as the oldest artistic craft in Ukraine. The opening of the All-Ukrainian Center of Embroidery and Carpet Making is an extremely important event in the development of a new model of culture, which should combine authentic national features of creativity with the world and European context. The revival and preservation of the traditions of carpet weaving and unique embroidery, which are the oldest arts and crafts, the promotion of creative entrepreneurship, has great strategic potential for sustainable and integrated growth of the country as a whole.
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